Worship Events
Our regular pattern of worship rotates around the cycle of the Christian year. We begin that year in December with the Season of Advent, a time of preparation for Christmas. The season of Christmas is celebrated from December 25 through January 6. Our next major season, Lent, begins on Ash Wednesday and comes to a climax during Holy Week, before the great feast of Easter - the Resurrection of our Lord. We celebrate Easter for 50 days with its festive conclusion on Pentecost, when we remember the descent of the Holy Spirit upon the first women and men who followed Jesus as his disciples.
The Deacon proclaims the Gospel during the Holy Eucharist
The Holy Eucharist
Our main Sunday service is call the Holy Eucharist or Holy Communion or the Lord’s Supper or the Mass. The word “Eucharist” comes from a Greek word meaning Thanksgiving. The longest prayer is our Great Thanksgiving to God for all God has done for us. The Sunday celebration of the Holy Eucharist is a service in two parts. The Service of the Word of God begins with prayers and readings from the Hebrew and Christian scriptures, a sermon and a communal confession and absolution of sin by the priest. The second part of the service involves the presentation of our gifts, the prayer of thanksgiving and consecration when we believe that Christ becomes present in the Bread and Wine which we recieve in Holy Communion.
2018 Ashes to Go outside the Church
Ashes to Go
On Ash Wednesday, the first day of Lent, we usually celebrate the Holy Eucharist and distribute ashes during that service. For those Christians whose work commitments prevent them from attending a church celebration, we go to the Linden Train Station during the morning rush hour and stand outside the church during the afternoon dismissal of children from McManus Middle School and distribute ashes and prayer cards to all who desire them.
Memorial for Parkland Victims
Icon of the Risen Christ
Services in response to disasters
To provide an occasion for public lament, we offer services in response to disasters. We conducted a candle light vigil in response to the murders at Parkland High School and joined the Jewish Community in prayer after the murders at Tree of Life Synagogue in Pittsburgh and the racially motivated murders in Jacksontown.
Summer Schedule
Our Summer worship begins with a Mass on the Grass when we bring our worship outside under the shade of a tree on our Great Lawn. We continue our celebration with a luncheon.
Our Choir takes a break from the end of June until the beginning of September.
We regularly gather for worship on Sundays at 10 AM and share time together during a coffee hour.
Worship with us on Facebook on Sunday at 10 AM
Even though our church building is open for worship on Sunday mornings, we also broadcast our worship on Sundays through our Facebook page. Even if you do not have a Facebook account, you can still join us by following these directions:
Step 1: Click Here. The page will open in your browser in a new tab, but these instructions will also stay open.
Step 2: Once you are there, ignore any boxes that urge you to log in or sign up. If you have the option to close such a box by clicking "Not Now," go ahead and do that.
Step 3: Scroll down the page, past the information-sharing sections (photos, videos, etc.) to the "Posts" section.
Step 4: The live video will appear in the "Posts" section. NOTE: If you arrive there before the live feed has started, you may have to refresh your browser once the video has begun.
Step 5: If you don't hear any audio, click on the "horn" in the video post to turn the sound on.
Step 6: Click on the video in the post (where the image is) to watch the live video in a larger
Those who are watching without a Facebook account will not be able to make comments or otherwise interact with the video. Those with an account can "like," add comments, etc., while the video is playing.