And taking the five loaves and the two fish, he looked up to heaven, and blessed and broke them, and gave them to the disciples to set before the crowd. And all ate and were filled. What was left over was gathered up, twelve baskets of broken pieces. Luke 9:16-17, NRSV
October 20, 2024
Dear Family of God,
This year our pledge campaign theme is Our Money Story. It reminds us that each of us has our own experiences that shape our life stories and how we interact with God, each other, and the world. The truth is that not all of our stories around money are positive or healthy - whether they are based on our own experiences or they are the stories that have been handed down from previous generations.
In the Bible, Jesus preaches more about wealth and our relationship with it then he does any other subject. This tells us that God cares deeply about our attitudes about money. God wants us to have healthy boundaries around money so that we can both care for ourselves and care for those around us. This is part of being a good steward of the resources that God has given us.
While we are grateful for all financial gifts to our congregation, a pledge is the best way that you can give. The vestry uses your pledge commitment to plan and budget for our upcoming year together and the ministry work we want to accomplish in our community.
And while we plan our finances according to the pledges made, we also understand that life circumstances sometimes change which can affect your ability to fulfill your pledge. Never fear! Pledges can always be adjusted, and you will never be shamed or guilted into keeping a pledge that you simply cannot sustain.
Some people ask, “How do I figure out what to give?” Proportional Giving is a way to set aside the “first fruits” of our labor for God and God’s mission in the world. While the “tithe” or 10% is the Biblical standard for giving back to God, we understand that this percentage may not be right for everyone. On the back of this letter, you will find a chart that can help guide you as you pray about what portion of your income God is asking you to pledge to St John’s in the upcoming year.
If you are new to proportional giving, many people find that 2.5% is a good place to begin as it represents giving the 1st hour’s wage each week back to God. Others choose to work towards the tithe by increasing their pledge one percent per year.
No matter where you fall on the chart, it is important to think and pray about our relationship with God, our relationship with money, and how each affects the other. May God be at work in our hearts that we may always give back to God generously in gratitude for the blessings we have received.
Yours In Christ,
Mother Angie Cipolla